Robert Finale’s paintings transport you to a time and place of private charm, a haven of pure and quiet delight. He loves to explore the complex interplay of light and its effects on architecture and surroundings. Being An avid traveler, Robert Finale uses his photographs, sketches and memories simply as the starting point, an inspiration on the journey to the creation of each masterpiece.
Finale is a quiet, gentle natured man, uses his paintings to communicate with each individual person. Robert using rich colors and textures, and has developed his own rich vocabulary in a painting. Expressing this rich language through places and entities, he tap into his own world and the fragile emotions that exist within all of us. The emotion that a person feels upon examining a piece of artwork is the beauty of this communication. As Robert places the final brush stroke on the canvas he is conscious of the fact that art is a universal language. So, one canvas represents the window to millions of different emotions that have existed and exist through all of us, giving the viewer a powerful, tool to look within his own world, for the understanding of life’s journey.